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Shake Launcher - LiveWallpaper 1.8.0 - Get Apk

About Shake Launcher - LiveWallpaper

Check out all new contents via the Shake Portal site! Shake.Minigate.net Giving you the best features and interface with unique contents not found anywhere else. Shake! A few of the unique features of Shake! - Video...

Check out all new contents via the Shake Portal site!

Giving you the best features and interface with unique contents not found anywhere else. Shake!

A few of the unique features of Shake!
- Video wallpapers, including popular music videos, with sound!
- Use your own video as live wallpaper!
- Drag-n-drop iPhone-style folders, best in market!
- Easily create and share your own contents through templates!
- Horizontal mode video and game contents!
- Change icons easily, many to choose from!
- Animated, unique background contents!
- Animations activated by shaking device! (select contents)
- New system to easily arrange home screens and icons!

Create, Customize, share
Share the fun with ‘Shake’ Smart Wallpaper

Shake is an SNS-connected, screen customization platform offering free and premium multimedia contents and user created contents across Android devices

The ‘Shake Market’ has tons of existing designs to
Customize every part of your smart device, including
never before seen features and capabilities

The first UCC (User Create Contents) platform allowing for true personalization on smart devices

Share created or customized content with friends, family, and users through social networks and the Shake Market

Shake Market
Download the latest contents and share your own using the Shake Market!
You can customize everything from icons, folders, wallpaper, plus use features available only through Shake like animated backgrounds, music video wallpapers and images that change when you shake your phone!

Create your own content easily with free templates, then share with friends and family!

Previous Versions

Here you can find the changelog of Shake Launcher - LiveWallpaper since it was posted on our website on 2013-08-22 01:28:42. The latest version is 1.8.0 and it was updated on 2024-04-23 09:38:58. See below the changes in each version.

Shake Launcher - LiveWallpaper version 1.8.0
Updated At: 2013-09-29
Changes: - Portrait of a function for adding sound playback on the screen.,- Modify other errors.
Shake Launcher - LiveWallpaper version 1.7.8
Updated At: 2013-06-09
Changes: Several fixes and updates

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External Download

We do not host Shake Launcher - LiveWallpaper on our servers. We did not scan it for viruses, adware, spyware or other type of malware. This app is hosted by Galad and passed their terms and conditions to be listed there. We recommend caution when installing it.

The APK Download link for Shake Launcher - LiveWallpaper is provided to you by apps112.com without any warranties, representations or guarantees of any kind, so access it at your own risk.

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Users Rating:  
  4.0/5     1
Downloads: 3
Updated At: 2024-04-23 09:38:58
Publisher: minigate
Operating System: Android
License Type: Free